Photo credit: Ken Abbett.
Photo credit: Ken Abbett.
The Council's focus is to provide a community forum, organize a collective voice to decision makers, and promote community involvement. Your donation helps support the Council's mission through activities, events and connections throughout the year. Donate by bringing your gift to an upcoming meeting or make an online gift today!
Wouldn't a welcoming mural that reflects our vibrant, diverse community and local opportunities be great? The owner of the Lyle Market has offered mural space and made a request that the community come together to be involved. The Council has formed a small committee to begin the process. Submit your ideas to include in the mural. And if able, consider a donation to bring the mural to life! (Make a note that gift is for the MURAL)
Did you know that the Council hosts a number of annual community events each year? Your donation helps make events like the Lyle Community Clean-Up, and more come to life! Your contributions enable us to fund events & improvement projects. Together, we make our town better.